Hector Square

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Hector Square

Millen Hills [54, 16]

Harford Avenue Retallick Walk Police Department Burman Street
Ferrington Way School Hector Square Smith Towers
Henslowe Park Tatchell Way the Muller Building

Basic Info:

  • A Street is a city block containing no buildings or monuments. There are a variety of other names besides Street including Alley, Avenue, Boulevard, Drive, Grove, Lane, Row, Square, Walk, Place, etc.
  • This is an empty block, and cannot be barricaded.


A wide, cobblestoned square with large buildings looming over it. A historical marker stands in the small garden at the square's center.


In 1965, three convicted murderers broke out of a holding cell in the nearby Retallick Walk Police Department. After making it out a side door into Hector Square, they were spotted by a police officer, who shot one of the escapees. The two surviving criminals, who had somehow managed to arm themselves, broke into Ferrington Way School, and thus began a 22-hour standoff, one of the most famous in British crime history. When police snipers finally took down the last escapee, six civilians and a police officer were dead. A small historical plaque marks the spot of the officer's death in the center of the square.