User talk:Sirkus

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Hey, thanks for the On Notice list. Brilliant. Does Einar play in Urban Dead? Buddhagazelle 03:23, 22 June 2007 (BST)

No prob--I got tired of seeing library patrons killed by the same three or four malcontents. Figured something like a QSG version of the Rogues Gallery was needed.
Y'know, I think I used to have an alt named Einar or something Einar-related. Can't remember the name nor the password, though. --Sirkus 03:42, 22 June 2007 (BST)

Z-mah-Zambah zaHabganna? Brilliant, sir, brilliant! Are you recording this on the Harrah Rotter page? I, alas, didn't think to. --Buddhagazelle 03:40, 26 August 2007 (BST)

Your Song

I'm trying to translate your song, and it has many words not yet in the Dictionary. When you find the time, could you add those words? The song is transcribed in the QSG On Tour archives. So far what I've got is Bad ah has the many nights thinking hah!ah gah my rang, ah gah zraang! Ah learning hah ah garrah in...

From that line, garrah = carry, zraang = strong, hah!ah is a mistake it should have been hah h!ah = how you, rang = wrong...
We need to go through and decide what words are worth keeping. I cobbled a lot of them together on the spot. I mean, zraang (strong) probably should be saved, but my word for petrified will probably never be needed again, not to mention how hideous it looks... What about h!ah for You (singular)? Do you think it's worth keeping?
The lyrics to the song are here. --Sirkus 02:31, 9 September 2007 (BST)
Hm, my dialect of kiZombie has no regular pronouns. Mah zambah can mean 'I' or 'you,' depending of context. For 'I was petrified' I would say Mah zambah haz baan habban mannah zgaarah ('I had (lit. have been having) a lot of scaredness'). --Buddhagazelle 03:19, 9 September 2007 (BST)

Your New Pic

You clean up very nice Sirkus! You kind of remind me of Clark Kent, but with hairy legs and a kilt. :-p --Pibbit 21:17, 10 October 2007 (BST)

Thanks for well wishes! Any chance you'll rip your shirt off (in my presence of course,) to reveal hot spandex, ripple your muscles a few times, and take me flying around the city? Ah well, a girl can dream, right? --Pibbit 18:31, 12 October 2007 (BST)

From The FOD

First, I believe my views on reading, poetry and transcribation have all been adressed as a reply to your post in our forum, but I'll add it here too:

"I believe there is a time and place for everything. Poetry and transcribation are all well and good. But not during a zombie outbrake. 
And taking away the only protection the civilians of this city have; just to teach mindless beings literature, is plain murder - Murder that we now return to you."

Second, I know not to attack zeds unless you have the AP for it. I did have the AP for it. Alass the RNG didn't smile in my favour. However I seem to still be standing.. Not smelling bad enough for you? ;)

Third - Never have, never will. Have been known to throw it at people on occation though.

Fourth - With all due respect: We do what we do because we feel it's right. No matter if it pits us against you or any other group. I myself see it sad that people in the same proffession (PKers) should hold grudge against eachother, but if it comes to that - what can WE do about it, except going on as we always have? Anything else would be unfair to everyone and dripping of hippocracy. See it this way, we might have attacked you. But if you really reach deep inside. Think back. Didn't you deserve it just a little?

Looking forward to meeting you again! Love - Karth  FoD 21:54, 16 October 2007 (BST)


(After no response, moved this to the Quartly talk page, which may have been more appropriate.) --Queen Mum 19:30, 8 January 2008 (UTC)