Dead Celebs

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Dead Celebs Flat-1.jpg
Dead Celebs
Abbreviation: D.C.
Group Numbers: 9
Goals: To party like rock stars and eat the brains of Monroeville
Recruitment Policy: Open to all Monroeville zombies. If you’re not a celebrity, we’ll make you one.
Contact: We'll call you

Sex, drugs, rock and roll and Scientology are no longer enough, the celebrities now crave brains!

From rehab clinics and country club prisons everywhere, the Dead Celebs are shambling forth to booze, smoke, snort and fornicate their way across Monroeville.

For years we have sat back and let the public take little bites of our lives and souls. We sat back as images of our cellulite filled thighs made the front page of every tabloid and our drunken’ overindulgent antics made into the “top story” on the evening news.

We have reduced ourselves to such shows a “Celebrity Death Match” and “Celebrity Apprentice” for your entertainment and what do we get in return? Our private lives mocked and ridiculed! Just because we bashed some guy in the head with a phone or jumped around like an insane monkey on Opera doesn’t give you the right to judge us, we’re celebrities!

No more! Now it’s time for celebrities to bite back!

Ah, who are we kidding! We love the attention. But we’re still going to bite…and eat brains…

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There have been several dead Celeb sightings across Monroeville and who knows, one might have already taken a bite out of you.

But don’t worry, the Dead Celebs are slowly making their way to Central Monroeville for autograph signings, endorsements and the drunken’ debauchery you’ve come to expect from a bunch of under-worked over-paid irresponsible super stars.

<font=big>Party like the rich and famous!

Are you interested in becoming a Dead Celeb? Do you want to party like a rock star? Do you want to become famous?

You may ask yourself, “But I don’t have a celebrity name?”

We say “Who cares!” Agents, lawyers, stylists, assistances, paparazzi, fans and most importantly a drunken entourage are more than welcome.

If you can answer yes to any of these questions than you’re a celebrity in our eyes.

1. Do I want to eat brains?

2. Do I want to have fun while eating brains?

3. Do I want to become famous by eating brains?

If you would like to become part of the Dead Celebs, please introduce yourself at Dead Celebs

Please note that due to the limited time of Monroeville, we’ve hijacked a section of forum from a Malton survivor group.