Hanlon Park

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Hanlon Park

Molebank [16, 47]

Blockwood Auto Repair Holland Alley wasteland
the Blackburn Arms Hanlon Park Denbury Road
the Dimon Museum the Collings Building St. Elisabeth's Hospital

Basic Info:

  • This is an empty block, and cannot be barricaded.


Hanlon Park was a beautiful location once. There are many large trees providing shade and winding paths. Benches line the paths and there is a non-functioning fountain located at the center of the park.

Hanlon Park now serves as a revive point maintained by the group 10 minutes from hell. The group recommends standing near the fountain if you are in need of a revive, so that they can easily locate you. If revives are running slow, feel free to send telepathic messages to the group to tell them to please hurry it up.

Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)


The park was once a well-maintained area that residents used for relaxation and exercise. People would walk their dogs and jog along the well-kept paths and read on the benches in the shade from the trees.

The Malton Park association, now defunct, was responsible for the upkeep of the grounds and the fountain at the center of the area.

Since the outbreak, the fountain and grounds have fallen into disrepair.