User:Amanu Jaku

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Physical Description

A Caucasian in his mid-to-late twenties, 6’0” tall, with short and classically styled brown hair. Professionally, he is seen wearing a black business jacket and pants, a plain red tie, dark polished dress shoes, and a thin-framed pair of grey glasses. When out and about, he typically wears jeans, black workman's shoes, and a variety of t-shirts, unless he is going to a formal event, in which case he typically wore his trademark suit, or black business casual attire.

Personal Background

The first son of three children, he was born to a Shannon and Talyrn Jaku in the small rural community of Saunderton, some fifteen miles away from Malton proper. Like his two sisters, Emilia and Shaunna, he went to Saunderton middle school until the sixth grade, when he and his family moved to Langridge Drive in Old Arkham. Once there, he went to and graduated from Arkham High School. He attended and recived his degree in journalism at Akrham University in New Arkham. He earned himself a job as a investigative reporter for WMTN TV 7 NEWS, based out of the the The Singer Building in Galbraith Hills. After being promoted to a lead investigator for the evening news, he moved to Mitchell Drive in Shore Hills where he settled in.

He was well known for making several hard hitting segements on corruption in the Pooll Crescent Police Department in Eastonwood, uncovering a witness who helped put away the Peppardville strangler, and more notably, exposed some of the animal testing abuses on the Necrotech Corportation based out of Ridleybank. He had a notable catch phrase that he ended each of his segments with, which was "Keep watching, Malton." With that catch phrase and his high-status in the journalism community, he would air segments featuring unsolved cases in Malton, and trying to help the police solve them in any way he could.

When not at work, he was seen out and around town with the actress, Yvonne Curton, niece of the illustrious Aleister Curton. One of Malton’s more notable couples, they were seen everywhere together and he would frequently visit her at her stage performances. Unfortunately, since the lockdown, they were separated as she was out of the country shooting her first starring role in the movie, Theros Re – The Unliving.

Early Outbreak - First Six Months

Physical Description

A Caucasian in his mid-to-late twenties, 6’0” tall, with short and unkempt brown hair, wearing a faded blue jean jacket, a black “Gothic Spirits” T-shirt featuring a ghost coming from a beer bottle, black gloves, a thin-framed pair of grey glasses, dark blue jeans, and a pair of black workman's shoes. Typically, he was seen with a large professional video camera that had the words WMTN TV 7 NEWS stenciled on the side, a green military style duffle bag with a weight-distribution harness, a holstered 9mm semi-automatic pistol, and smoking a cigarette.

Personal Background

(to be completed)

Infection - Months Seven to Eleven

Physical Description

A Caucasian zombie in his mid-to-late twenties, 6’0” tall, having a developed musculature around the shoulders and arms, with short and unkempt brown hair. Usually wearing a torn and bloodstained faded blue jean jacket, a black “Gothic Spirits” T-shirt featuring a ghost coming from a beer bottle, torn black gloves that reveal dark and ragged fingernails that resemble claws, a cracked, thin-framed pair of grey glasses, faded blue jeans that are spotted with blood, and black workman's shoes.

Personal Background

(to be completed)


Physical Description

A Caucasian in his mid-to-late twenties, 6’0” tall, has a developed musculature around the shoulders and arms, with short and unkempt brown hair. Usuallywearing a faded blue jean jacket, a black “Gothic Spirits” T-shirt featuring a ghost coming from a beer bottle, black gloves with the fingertips removed, featuring thick black nails that almost resemble claws more than they do fingernails, a thin-framed pair of grey glasses, dark blue jeans, and a pair of black workman's shoes. Typically, he is seen with a large professional video camera that had the words WMTN TV 7 NEWS stenciled on the side, a green military style duffle bag with a weight-distribution harness, a holstered 9mm semi-automatic pistol, a double-barreled shotgun slung over his shoulder, carrying a hip-flask, and smoking a cigarette.

Personal Background

(to be completed)