Wine Place

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Wine Place

Havercroft [38, 41]

Bryan Place Fire Station Club Traves wasteland
a warehouse Wine Place Club Swyer
Mogg Square a warehouse Shipton Crescent

Basic Info:

  • A Street is a city block containing no buildings or monuments. There are a variety of other names besides Street including Alley, Avenue, Boulevard, Drive, Grove, Lane, Row, Square, Walk, Place, etc.
  • This is an empty block, and cannot be barricaded.

Wine Place


A Place.


Wine Place gained its name from an early tavern established in Havercroft (then known as Strawberry Fields). Due to the low literacy rate of the area the tavern was never named and was only distinguishable from the street by the painting on the external wall depicting a scene of great merriment with many a flask of wine or pint of beer being offered around. The officially designation of Havercroft as a suburb of the City of Malton came in 1820 and with it a surge of population to the area and the opening of a variety of new drinking establishments. As the term tavern or 'pub' was no longer sufficient to distinguish the bar, the nickname "That Wine Place" came into popular usage and as literacy rates increased the term Wine Place was registered and became the actual name of the establishment.

Unfortunately the bar went bankrupt after the publican was arrested for luring travelers into his tavern and having his way with them, often against their will. For twenty years the tavern lay abandoned and was eventually destroyed in 1912 as it was deemed a fire risk by the fire warden at the neighbouring Bryan Place Fire Station. Ironically the substandard methods used to demolish the building resulted in a fire catching at the site and spreading through the area, in an accident that some claimed sparked the greater Great Fire of 1912.

In honour of the historical importance the site had played in shaping Havercroftian history the site was officially named Wine Place in 1924.